Moving WordPress from One Server to Another

.htaccess, aliases, Apache, certbot, computers, DNS, dovecot, email server, firewall, Internet, letsencrypt, Linux, mysqldump, NAT, permissions, pfsense, ports, Postfix, prosody, registrar, Web Server, wordpress
As a network administrator there comes a time when we need to reconfigure our server network(s) to some degree.  We do this in order to be more efficient and solve important issues. In the computer server world that means moving things such as hardware and services around. I have a couple of projects I found where I needed to move services from one computer server to another. Part of this need to consolidate services onto a single machine was spurred on by the need to demonstrate to my site's visitors that server security is important.  Besides, when hosting web sites and email accounts for others, those users want to know that where they are going is actually secure. We've seen cyber security in the press a whole lot more, so…
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Windows Launches IE Whenever a Network Connection is Made and Loads the MSN Site

computers, Google, Internet, Microsoft, privacy, Windows
Disabling advertisements is a normal thing these days.  There are many ways to do it.  Some are more detectable than others.  Some sites are more aggressive than others at detecting and reacting to it.  These sites should just accept that people are going to block their sites to rid themselves of ads. The ways to do it are via your router, via a block list that you add to a program that operates as a local domain name server where it checks lists of unwanted sites before allowing you to connect, and then there's the most detectable way which is through your browser with an addon called an adblocker.  Ublock Origin is the most common. The issue that I had earlier has to do with the fact that I use…
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My Purpose for this Site

Asterisk, domestic surveillance, Google, Internet, Linux, Microsoft, Postfix, Virtual Web Servers
I've decided to host my own servers and to do all the setup and maintenance myself for hosting this site and other services.  I've been working up to this for years with most of that time just having thoughts in passing about it.  In the past couple months I put together the infrastructure.  The servers, the software, the security, the maintenance tools the development tools, the backup tools and such to get it running.  I also put together a plan to hold it together. I decided to do it because I can.  I decided to do it to test my knowledge.  I decided to do it to integrate it into much of what I already have. (more…)
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Broadband CEOs Admit Usage Caps Are Nothing More Than A Toll On Uncompetitive Markets

Broadband, Internet
  Time and time again, we've noted how the broadband industry's justifications for usage caps just don't hold water. And while the industry used to falsely claim that caps were necessary due to congestion or to save us all from the bullshit "exaflood," the industry has slowly but surely stopped using any justification at all for what's really just glorified rate hikes on uncompetitive markets. These days, big ISPs like AT&T and Comcast looking to impose usage caps either give no justification whatsoever, or pretend they're doing consumers a favor by providing more "choice and flexibility." (more…)
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