Brother printers on Manjaro/Arch installation.

Manjaro does not have proper support of printers out of the box. It seems they are working continually to limit what they are doing to produce a distribution. What I mean is that they are refusing to do things such as enable and start services as you install applications. They are requiring you to do this even if you have no idea what to do (or that you have to do it) to make it work.

For instance, in installing CUPS they should enable and start it. It is that simple, period. If they tell you that some people want to do it differently then let them. Let them back out of the automatic setup. They can then configure the startup of the service to do it their own way. The point is that 99% of people will want them to enable and start the services for us. Only a tiny percentage of people will want to do it on their own.

That brings us to the main point of this post. How to install a brother printer on Manjaro (and Arch) Linux.

sudo pacman -S print-manager system-config-printer manjaro-printer avahi

sudo systemctl enable –now cups.service
sudo systemctl enable –now cups.socket
sudo systemctl enable –now cups.path
sudo systemctl enable –now avahi-daemon.service

Note: (Just before the word “now” in the commands above you need two hyphens. The issue is that WordPress shows 2 hyphens as a single dash. You’ll need to correct it when pasting the command in.)

Notice how you must enable all the services. But but enabling the services it doesn’t mean they are started, unless you have version 220 of systemctl. All prior versions you have to upgrade to 220, but that is only available if the distro itself makes them available. Otherwise, you have to do that step too on your own or you reboot your computer. If these steps are required then they must expect that you will do these steps also. That is more than is necessary frankly since this is a computer and the reason we created computers was to have them to the work instead of us.