Pfsense Telegraf seems to stop and start on it’s own.

The Telegraf package is installed using the package manager of pfsense. It is simple to install. All that is really needed after that is the location of your Influxdb (or whatever server), the database name, username, and password. With this filled in and the settings being saved that is pretty much it, except... I found that the Telegraf service was starting and stopping on its own. I looked over this and noticed there was a list of Telegraf outputs. I realized that I needed to select one. Telegraf didn't need it selected in order to save, so that's a bug. But when you do select the proper Telegraf output the service won't stop and start repeatedly. Ensure you have the Telegraf "Outputs" selected. If you are using influx then select…
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RAM Disk Settings (Reboot to Apply Changes) causes i/o error disk full on reboot.

I set this so that I might make better use of my ram and that it might provide slightly better performance. Following the instructions I checked the box and filled in the values for both ram and tmp ram disk. I set the values from the default to 1gb each. After rebooting I received messages that the /var was full. This computer has 16gb of ram so I felt that 1 gb for each should be sufficient. Apparently not. The defaults for those settings is 256 and 1024 meaning 256mb of ram for one and 1gb for the other. I'm not sure why it failed. I accessed the terminal at the computer. At the console I could see that DHCP was not active as none of my interfaces were listed.…
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Using RSA keys in pfsense as root to connect to another host without passwords generates invalid format.

In trying to allow root to log in to another host using rsa keys I received various errors most of which were related to permissions. However, I had created a config file in /root/ In this file was a second at the top for all hosts and one of those was the IdentityFile where it pointed to /root/.ssh/id_rsa. When having another section for the host that states the IP address and username with nothing else pfsense generates a message saying invalid format. If I changed the permissions to the files I got different messages. All folders had the proper ownership. When I removed the line that pointed to the IdentityFile the ssh worked. I think it was because it is looking for the id_rsa file instead of the file.…
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