Suspicious mail activity identified by Proxmox Mail Gateway’s tracking center.

In looking at the Proxmox Mail Gateway's (PMG) Tracking Center I became alarmed that it appeared that emails were being exchanged between users (I thought the issue was from my roundcube web mail as each email addressee matched an entry in the contacts part of Roundcube). Those emails were not sent by me nor were any received by me. I began looking for the cause and shutdown webmail. I cloned the containers. I brought non-webmail back up and began more investigation. I also noted that the dates in PMG tracking were one day off. I looked at the /var/log/maillog on both the mail gateway and my mail server. I could not find any lines matching those sent and received emails. I looked at /var/log/authlog too with no success. I then…
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Influxdb won’t start after having run fine for a long time (bad gateway) leading to “influxdb.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/lib/influxdb/scripts/ Permission denied”

My influx database system has been running fine for a long time. Then suddenly my grafana was displaying nothing and it indicated bad gateway, and then ultimately to "influxdb.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/lib/influxdb/scripts/ Permission denied". The messages from systemd are cryptic and it is my opinion that they need a new maintainer. Redhat basically isn't taking the right steps to simplify and to clarify their product. It is only getting more complex and harder for people to figure out the issues unique to using systemd. Aside from that the issue boils down to the fact that after an update the /usr/lib/influxdb/scripts/ was no longer marked as executable. The issue goes back to at least 2015. That's 6 years. There's a thread that talks about this issue and that's…
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