Proxmox when launching a console in the WEB UI — Error: Permission denied to access property Symbol.toPrimitive

One moment it worked the next it didn't.  Why proxmox would be fingerprinting the console is beyond me.  It shouldn't be. What's happening is that if you have canvas blocker then launching the console for a VM it can cause this error message.  Disable canvas blocker and you will be able to connect again properly. Now to find a way to keep canvas blocker enabled and get in.  As I said it worked one minute then not the next.  Did they update canvas blocker? I disabled it and launched the VM again from within Proxmox.  That worked.  I then turned canvas blocker back on and tried again.  Nope, wouldn't launch. I then decided to leave it enabled and I closed the browser and then relaunched and tried again.  This worked. …
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Starting with Windows 10 version 1803 Windows 10 will no longer make copies of your registry files. This is quite dangerous and not having it can be of grave concern.

Windows itself has one major failure and that is the registry.  This registry keeps all the settings for the operating system, the hardware, drivers, and varous components that go into making Windows work. The problem is that this set of files that comprise the registry are no longer being periodically backed up by Windows 10 starting with Version 1803 and all subsequent versions. In my line of work having to deal with a bad registry can only be resolved by resorting to these backup files.  If the computer has a failing hard drive and this causes the registry to corrupt having a good version for the next reboot is important, even if it requires a little manual intervention.  Meaning, if I have to copy some files outside the OS…
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