Samba mount error 115 operation now in progress

This error is quite common and has numerous causes. I've used samba on Linux for a long time. I've never seen this error. When I finally did have the error I went looking for a cause. A lot of people had answers but none of them resolved the issue for me. What I was doing was setting up a Proxmox virtualization server. It uses LXC. I also have a VLAN that doesn't route to the inside LAN. I needed to send backups of containers from the virtualization server to a backup server. Since I had UFW installed and configured I checked to see if the ports for SAMBA were open. They were not. I do not just open ports to any computer, even internally. So, I opened the necessary ports…
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Explanation of how to Block Senders using Postfix, et al.

OK, Postfix is the main tool that I use to run my email services. The goal/hope is to be able to be low on the list of people that are hacked, unlike those that are part of the aggregation services such as gmail, outlook, and yahoo. Yahoo BTW had all their billion plus users hacked and didn't disclose that to us promptly. It would have remained hidden if it weren't for the sale. Postfix is a tool that allows you to run an email service right out of the box, but obviously there are things that must be done to make your email known to the rest of the world. If you don't let your server be known well, no mail will ever get to you. How do we let…
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