KangarooPC and Linux.

Asterisk, Linux, Pico Computing, Raspberry Pi
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1500"] Kangaroo PC, an Intel SOC quad core 1.44ghz (turbo to 2.24) with 2gb of RAM, 802.11ac, 1 USB 3 and 1 USB 2. No ethernet.[/caption] Been doing the Raspberry Pi thing for a long time, actually from the beginning. Been working on many different projects with them. I have a history and a set of expectations from other devices to stand up to the RPI. I was hoping this one could. After about a week of use where I'm trying to do similar things that I do on a Pi I have come to some conclusions. Some good, some bad. This is a PC. It can have any number of OSes installed on it. It is after all an amd64 based chip. One should expect that…
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After a slow start, Dell turns up the dial on Steam Machines

alienware, gaming, Linux, steamOS, valve
From the article: "Dell had high hopes for the Alienware Steam Machine after its delayed release last year, but it did not become as popular as its twin, Alienware Alpha, a Windows-based PC gaming console. The viability of Steam Machines, a family of Linux-based PC gaming consoles with SteamOS, has been questioned, but Dell isn't giving up yet. With better hardware and an expanding list of gaming titles, Dell is hoping that interest in Alienware Steam Machines will grow." After a slow start, Dell turns up the dial on Steam Machines
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Appeals court upholds FCC’s net neutrality order

FCC, government, regulation
From the article "Today, the federal appeals court for Washington, DC upheld the legal authority behind FCC's Open Internet Order in a 2-1 decision, as first reported by Politico. Faced with multiple legal challenges, the court declined to pare back any of the commission's powers. The ruling can still be appealed to the Supreme Court, but it hands a major victory to FCC chairman Tom Wheeler and net neutrality advocates at large." Appeals court upholds FCC's net neutrality order
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Run, Bernie Run: Petition Calling On Bernie Sanders To Mount Independent Run For The White House Nearing 100,000 Signatures

A petition calling on Bernie Sanders to make an independent run for the White House is quickly gaining steam after the end of the Democratic primary, with close to 100,000 people now imploring the Vermont Senator to go it alone. http://www.inquisitr.com/3188293/run-bernie-run-petition-calling-on-bernie-sanders-to-mount-independent-run-for-the-white-house-nearing-100000-signatures/#DzWZze4E8fJR4wKa.99
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My Purpose for this Site

Asterisk, domestic surveillance, Google, Internet, Linux, Microsoft, Postfix, Virtual Web Servers
I've decided to host my own servers and to do all the setup and maintenance myself for hosting this site and other services.  I've been working up to this for years with most of that time just having thoughts in passing about it.  In the past couple months I put together the infrastructure.  The servers, the software, the security, the maintenance tools the development tools, the backup tools and such to get it running.  I also put together a plan to hold it together. I decided to do it because I can.  I decided to do it to test my knowledge.  I decided to do it to integrate it into much of what I already have. (more…)
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Snowden Docs Show GCHQ, MI5 To Be All Haystack, No Needle

domestic surveillance, Snowden
From the article: "Collect it all," they said. "You can't find needles without haystacks," they proclaimed. "The more you know," they rainbowed. All well and good, except the NSA, GCHQ, et al. appear to have far more in common with the protagonists of "Hoarding: Buried Alive" than with effective, finely-tuned terrorism-fighting machines. Snowden Docs Show GCHQ, MI5 To Be All Haystack, No Needle
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Did Google Manipulate Search for Hillary?

Election, Google, Hillary Clinton, Manipulation
From the site: While researching for a wrap-up on the June 7 Presidential Primaries, we discovered evidence that Google may be manipulating autocomplete recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton. If true, this would mean that Google Searches aren’t objectively reflecting what the majority of Internet searches are actually looking for, possibly violating Google’s algorithm. According to a research paper cited in this video, that kind of search result manipulation has the potential to substantially influence the outcome of actual elections. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFxFRqNmXKg
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