The FBI is on the cusp of obtaining three extremely dangerous new powers

James Comey has been at the forefront of a dangerously excessive amount of requests for new powers for the FBI.  He's the one that tried to get Congress to outlaw encryption, to force backdoors into encryption and other privacy guaranteeing technologies.  He's the man who tried to get Apple to write software to break their own device's security.  He's been heavily lobbying in an effort to grant the FBI more warrantless powers.  He's not the man that we want in this position because every effort he makes he chips away at the constitutional protections.
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Broadband CEOs Admit Usage Caps Are Nothing More Than A Toll On Uncompetitive Markets

Broadband, Internet
  Time and time again, we've noted how the broadband industry's justifications for usage caps just don't hold water. And while the industry used to falsely claim that caps were necessary due to congestion or to save us all from the bullshit "exaflood," the industry has slowly but surely stopped using any justification at all for what's really just glorified rate hikes on uncompetitive markets. These days, big ISPs like AT&T and Comcast looking to impose usage caps either give no justification whatsoever, or pretend they're doing consumers a favor by providing more "choice and flexibility." (more…)
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Microsoft as a company doesn’t recognize user’s privacy

Microsoft, privacy, Windows
This is taken from a post that explains your lack of privacy rights well beyond my ability to do so, so I'm posting it here in full. For this reason I do not run Microsoft software.  There are others such as the lack of adequate security and other protections.  All attributions apply.  The post is made in full without any corrections: IANAL. This answer is just a broad picture based on Microsoft's own words, as they were at the time of originally writing this (just after the final release of Windows 10). (more…)
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Who am I

Asterisk, History, Linux, Postfix, Virtual Web Servers
My experience with desktop computing goes back to the early years of PCs.  I began working with desktop computers in the early 80s.  I worked on some terminal based systems in the USAF and in college, yet any computing interest never took hold.  They seemed costly (expensive) and impersonal. (more…)
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